L.A Not So Confidential


New episodes every WEDNESDAY

L.A. Not So Confidential is a True Crime and Forensic Psychology podcast hosted by two Los Angeles - based psychologists currently working in the criminal justice field. Dr. Shiloh & Dr. Scott have a unique perspective on True Crime as residents of the center of the entertainment world and the birthplace of the Crime Noir genre.


 L.A. Not So Confidential is proud to be part of the Crawlspace Media network


  "It’s like getting to overhear forensic psychologists chatting on their lunch break, with asides to explain the more technical terms.”


What kind of psychologists would we be if we didn't have a resource page?

Here you will find the cited works that assisted in our research.

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184. Necrophilia

While thankfully rare, Necrophilia, the act of sexual abuse of the deceased, has a long and storied history. Through myth, legend, history, psychological and criminal classifications, this Paraphilia inhabits one of the most disturbing and dark corners of the human psyche. This week, the docs go deep into history, research and case studies of Carl Tanzler and Karen Greenlee to explore a rare and disquieting practice that is a far outlier on the constellation of sexuality.

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183. Extremism in Military and Law Enforcement

This week the docs tackle case studies and psychological motivations for the development of extremism within US military and law enforcement. The growing threat of extremism presents a substantial threat to the security of the US as a nation and on the community level with law enforcement.  Some of the most notorious extremists in the U.S. military are responsible for the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building, brutal racially oriented murders by soldiers at Fort Bragg and the Fort Hood shootings by a jihadist military psychiatrist. Extremism within law enforcement presents a dual threat that impacts both the integrity of the profession and the trust crucial for building effective relationships with the community.

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182. Our Return: Episode & Topic Updates

The doctors are back in! We ease back into regular episodes with some interesting updates and news stories from some of our most explosive topics including QAnon, Familicide, and Sovereign Citizens. 

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181. Documentary Review: I Am Vanessa Guillen

This week the docs review the true crime documentary, “I AM VANESSA GUILLEN”. The doc is a 2022 Netflix original directed by Christy Wegener that recounts the horrific story of a young U.S. soldier who was brutally murdered at Fort Hood military base by another soldier. As well as guiding the audience through the brutal commission of the crime, the documentary also follows Vanessa’s family - who are determined to reveal the truth of their daughter’s experience of assault by taking their case all the way to Congress.

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180. Murderous Mob Mentality

This week, the docs explore the psychology behind groups of people acting out in violent and sometimes murderous ways while taking justice into their own hands. They cover a brief history of lynch mobs in the US, before revisiting vigilantism and look at "mob mentality" before covering a couple of case studies.

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179. Vintage Case: The Zoot Suit Riots

This week, the docs delve into the sequence of events that precipitated the tragic and disastrous "Zoot Suit" riots in Los Angeles. Despite the Zoot Suit riots receiving far less attention than deserved in the annals of the civil rights struggle in the United States, they represent a pivotal moment in both Los Angeles and national history. The docs investigate how the media exacerbated tensions by demonizing the Latino community, while also shedding light on the pervasive racism and marginalization perpetuated by industry and law enforcement through opinion pieces.

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178. Copycat Crimes

As requested by listeners, we take a look at Copycat Crimes by discussing news and fictional media influences, low-level neighborhood crime, mass shootings, and case studies of infamous murders that inspired other killers.

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177. Documentary Review: Chowchilla

This week we watched and reviewed the CNN (now on MAX) documentary, Chowchilla. In the late 70's, in the farming town of Chowchilla, California, 26 children and their school bus driver were stopped in the middle of a rural road by three armed men. The men systematically kidnapped the driver and the children and sequestered them in a dark and virtually airless truck trailer and then buried them. While all of the victims survived, they have spent their lives dealing with a multitude of symptoms of trauma and we get to hear from them in this truly bizarre tale.

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176. Sovereign Citizens Part 2: Research & Criminality

This week the docs dive into the subject of "Sovereign Citizens," individuals or groups in the United States, and increasingly, around the globe who adhere to a fringe legal theory asserting that they are not subject to the authority of government entities. In Part 2, the docs review the research literature and discuss Sovereign Citizens' engagement with law enforcement, court systems and the general public and the mental gymnastics have moved this once fringe movement into violence.

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174. Sovereign Citizens Part 1: Ideology

This week the docs dive into the subject of "Sovereign Citizens," individuals or groups in the United States, and increasingly, around the globe who adhere to a fringe legal theory asserting that they are not subject to the authority of government entities. In Part 1, the docs discuss the history of the Sovereign Citizen movement and the basics of the ideology that lends to wild and frustrating antics.

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BONUS: Domestic Violence and Its Implications w/ True Consequences

Please enjoy this conversation with Eric Carter-Landin of the True Consequences podcast from 2021. Eric's baby brother, Jacob, was killed 36 years ago by his mother's boyfriend and he has never been charged. The case remains "unsolved" and without justice. Today's release is updated with a statement from Eric on his fight for justice.

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173. Documentary Review: Hell Camp

This week the docs review the one - episode documentary entitled "Hell Camp." It's a fascinating and necessary subject that falls somewhat flat in its narrative structure while still illuminating a dark chapter in the recent US history of behavioral modification and "personal growth" wilderness camps. While the sales pitch of Steve Cartisano's wilderness camp entitled Challenger Foundation sold a bill of goods to frustrated parents across the US; a way to control and re-make their "out-of-control" teens, the kids' experience at the wilderness camp in the harsh Utah desert was a nightmare.

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172. Behind the Collar Part 2: Survivors' Voices

This week in the follow-up episode to Behind the Collar Part 1: Crime of the Clergy, the docs discuss the consequences of religious trauma & violence by digging into the research and reviewing some victims' stories. They also discuss the disparity between how male and female victims are treated after they report and how to empower children to learn critical thinking skills as another layer of reducing victimhood.

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171. Vintage Case: The Green Scarf Bandit

This week, we recount a 1950's case of a serial home invasion robber. We lay some groundwork for life & crime in LA in the 50's before discussing the crime spree by the man wearing a green scarf over his face. We also touch on the psychological impacts of home invasion robberies on victims.

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170. Behind the Collar Part 1: Unveiling Criminality in the Clergy

It’s a new year and that means a new profession to examine in terms of criminality.

The bad behavior of individuals of the clergy hits harder than most due to their achieved authority status and sacred trust. The docs give an overview of organized religious atrocities before getting into individuals' crimes. They also dive into the research that tries to explain the Catholic sex abuse scandal and address relevant personality traits, before covering the Warren Jeffs case.

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169. Documentary Review: The Devil on Trial

In this months documentary review, the docs take on “The Devil on Trial" a Netflix movie that tracks a bizarre story that includes a demonic possession, demon hunters, exorcism, murder and possible mental illness. Written and directed by Chris Holt, the documentary takes on a fascinating subject with somewhat disappointing results. The docs examine the contradictions in the narrative and missed opportunities of exploring family trauma.

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168. Christmas Mystery: The Sodder Family Disappearance

This week, the docs deviate from a classic forensic psych topic in order to bring you a sinister and tragic holiday mystery: The disappearance of four of the ten Sodder Family children in 1945 during a horrific and destructive house fire on Christmas Eve. To this day, the trail of the missing children remains cold with theories that range from kidnapping to murder. One thing is certain: the 45 minute blaze that destroyed their family home could not have incinerated their remains. The docs discuss the complex grief that emerges from the loss of children and siblings and its impact on the family dynamic.

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167. Vintage Case: LA Times Bombing

Before midnight on October 1, 1910, a serial bomber crept through the dark streets of Los Angeles placing three bombs at strategic locations for the purpose of destroying and disrupting the anti-union stances of the journalism giant, the LA Times. We cover the social and cultural history of the time, as well as the crime and trial of those responsible for this early act of terrorism.

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166. Schizoid & Schziotypal Personality Disorders

Join the docs this week for an episode that examines the intersection between criminal acts and the diagnosis of Schizoid Personality Disorder. While relatively rare and completely unrelated to schizophrenia, Schizoid Personality Disorder is found to have a great impact than ASPD when in the presence of other diagnoses. Cases discussed include the first California school shooting and the brutal and impulsive murder of a child in Brooklyn. This episode builds on the information provided to the docs on their Behind The Couch Livestream with author N. Leigh Hunt.

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