109. Vintage Case: Marion parker with LA Meekly

Travel back to 1927 Los Angeles with us and the guys from the L.A. Meekly podcast. Greg Gonzalez and Daniel Zafran are Los Angeles- born comedians who have been doing their monthly LA history podcast for going on nine years. We cover the kidnapping and brutal murder of 12 year-old Marion Parker by William Edward Hickman from psych and historical perspectives. 

Check out their show here: https://www.lameeklypodcast.com/


*First hand conversations and review of records at the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Museum and the Los Angeles Police Department Museum

“Grave Spotlight - Marion Parker.” Www.cemeteryguide.com, www.cemeteryguide.com/gotw-parker.html. Accessed 14 Jan. 2022.

Renner, Joan. “William Edward Hickman Archives.” Deranged LA Crimes ®, 13 Dec. 2020, derangedlacrimes.com/?tag=william-edward-hickman. Accessed 14 Jan. 2022.


110. Hoodoo in the Garden of Good and Evil


108. Elder Abuse